Friday, April 10, 2009

With Every Choice You Make For You...

Living A Potent Life requires choosing, choosing for You...

With every choice you make for you, regardless of any one else’s pov about it, you are taking another step out of this reality. With every choice you make for you, it starts to break down the control of and over you by all external sources.

This is being Potent.

If we look at “reality” as something that is created when 2 or more people align or agree on a pov, or resist your pov in order to make you wrong. Reality requires judgments in order to exist. Right, wrong, good, bad….etc. What would things look like without the judgments in place? Good question. What would your life look like without judgment? Are you willing to have that? Even if you have no idea what that would look like?

This is being Potent.

What’s the difference between being in this reality and the creation of your life? This includes truly choosing things for you. Simple as that. Choosing what ever it is with you in the equation. Not giving up parts of you in your choices. Not compromising. Inherent in the term “compromise” is that it doesn’t work for you. What is the value of choosing things that don’t work for us? Why do we do this continually?

What could be the value of being outside this reality? Maybe this is where we can find ourselves. When we stop choosing for everything and everyone else and begin choosing for us, more and more of who we are starts showing up. By choosing for others, we loose our identity, as we have done this almost forever, how do we know who we are?

Maybe by being outside of this reality we can create our own life, based on choices we make for us. What would you like to generate for your life that hasn’t shown up yet? Without bullshitting yourself, what would you choose? For you.

Musings from the edge of sanity...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I ABSOLUTELY *LOVE* what you say here! It's the truth! It takes A LOT of courage to "STEP OUTSIDE of the circle" and make choices that are other than what society dictates and/or their "expectations" of if ALL of us are EXACTLY the same. Thank goodness we are not! Alex, I have to say; when I met you for the very first time on July 11, 2009 at a workshop...I was and am HIGHLY impressed by what I see in you! U R BEAUTIFUL, from the inside/out and you just SHINE, like nothing I've ever seen! To me, I C U as a highly intellectual individual who is NOT AFRAID to "take a chance" make a change. I HONOR YOU. With Love & Light....Thank you for sharing! Karen